пятница, 24 июля 2020 г.

home asigment темыч+song

Русское быть уверенным в чем-либо передается в английском языке конструкциями с прилагательными sure и certain. I'm sure
(that) обозначает высокую степень уверенностиоставляяоднаковозможность тогочто 
высказанное мнение может не подтвердитьсяв отличие от I'm certainкоторое выражает 
абсолютную уверенность в справедливости утвержденияоснованную на реальном знании фактов и обстоятельстввозможнонеизвестных собеседникуТакое же различие относится к наречиям 
surely и certainly:

I'm sure he didn't write it/Surely he didn't write ithe is not that sort of person
Не может быть/Я не думаю, чтобы он это написал, не такой он человек.

В большинстве случаев, "maybe" и "perhaps" имеют то же значение. Однако, в отдельных ситуациях будет неправильно использовать "maybe", поэтому если не знаете что именно сказать в конкретном случае, то лучше сказать "perhaps".

"maybe" звучит неофициально, так что его не используют в официальном контексте. Это более разговорный вариант, его можно услышать у носителей редко услышишь, но письменно можно встретить только "perhaps" . К примерув докладе я бы не написал "Maybe we shall only know the true cost of the project after it has finished". Правильно будет Perhaps we shall ...". Хотя в разговоре можно встретить и второй вариант.

Если в предложении уже есть слово "may", то неуместно будет добавить "maybe", только "perhaps".

Вкратце, проще сказать "perhaps", чтобы не путаться. Если же это не деловое письмо, то сожно использовать "maybe", но и здесь "perhaps" вполне подойдет.

Part 1. Read the first sentence carefully, then choose MUST or CANNOT in the second sentence. Put the verb in bold into the right form. (Use only FULL forms of verbs)
I’m certain they had a great time in New York. – They must have had a great time in New York.

1.      I’m certain they stayed at this hotel in Rome last summer. They must have stayed at this hotel in Rome last summer.
2.      I’m certain Paul didn’t invite Linda to the party. Paul cannot have invited…  Linda to the party.
3.      I’m certain Amy hasn’t finished her homework. Amy cannot have finished…  her homework.
4.      I’m sure he was on holiday in Spain in 2012. He must have been….  on holiday in Spain in 2012.
5.      I’m sure they didn’t leave home yesterday evening. They cannot have left…  home yesterday evening. I’m certain he has strained his back. He must have strained…  his back.

Part 2. Read the first sentence carefully, then choose MAY or MIGHT in the second sentence. Put the verb in bold into the right form. (Use only FULL forms of verbs)
Perhaps he has lost the keys. – He may/might have lost the keys.

6.      Perhaps he hasn’t left yet. He might have left…  yet.
7.      Perhaps she has missed the bus. He may have missed…  the bus.
8.      Perhaps she worked late at the weekends. She may have worked…  late at the weekends.
9.      Perhaps Laura has left the smart phone at home. Laura might have left… the phone at home.
10.  Perhaps he had gone out. He…may have gone  out.
11.  Perhaps they made a mistake. They might have made  a mistake.
12.  Perhaps they had seen the film already. They might have seen…  the film already.
13.  Perhaps he left yesterday. He…may have left  yesterday.

Part 3. Read the first sentence carefully, then choose COULD or SHOULD in the second sentence. Put the verb in bold into the right form. (Use only FULL forms of verbs)
It would have been better if he had done his homework yesterday. – He should have done his homework yesterday.

14.  It was possible for her to win the competition, but she didn’t. She could have won…  the competition.
15.  It would have been better if she had finished the project in time. She should have finished…  the project in time.
16.  It was impossible for him to like this idea. He couldnt have liked  this idea.
17.  It would have been better if you had not bought such an expensive present. You shouldnt have bought  such an expensive present.
18.  It was possible for Amy to finish the test yesterday, but she didn’t. Amy could have finished…  the test yesterday.
19.  It would have been better if she had not sold her car. She shouldnt have sold…  her car.
20.  It was impossible that Frank had made so many mistakes. Frank…couldnt have made  so many mistakes.

Part 4. Complete each sentence with two to five words using the same verb as in the first sentence. Include the word in bold.
It was possible that he went to the countryside with friends yesterday. (may)
He may have been to the countryside with friends yesterday.

21.  It is possible that he has spent all the money. He could have lost…  all the money. (could).
22.  It was possible that the police questioned him yesterday. The police may have asked….  him yesterday. (may)
23.  I’m sure she lied about her age. She mustnt have said true…  about her age. (must)
24.  It would have been better if you had prepared better for the exam. You should have studied…  better for the exam. (should).
25.  Perhaps Jane studied at the library yesterday. Jane might have read…  at the library yesterday. (might)
26.  I’m certain they didn’t buy a new house a month ago. They…cannot have had enouhg money for  a new house a month ago. (cannot)
27.  It would have been better if you hadn’t moved to another city. You…shouldnt have left.  to another city. (should)
28.  It was possible that they had bought a new posh car. They…  could have had enough money for a new posh car. (could)
29.  Perhaps my boss didn’t like this idea at the meeting yesterday. My boss might not haveprefered…  this idea at the meeting yesterday (might)
30.  Perhaps she tried to call you last week. She may have tried…  to call you. (may)

1) Lay ____  _a _  ___whisper____ on my pillow,
leave the winter ___on the ground_   ____   ________.
I wake up __lonely___,
there’s __      silensce__   ___   ______ in the bedroom
and _all around____  ______
Touch me now, I close my eyes and dream away _____  _____.
Chorus: _it must    been love__  _____  ____  ____  _____ but it’s over now.
_          must been good__  ____  ____  ____  ____ but I lost it somehow.
__       must been love_  ____  ____  ____  ____ but it’s over now.
From the moment ___we touched  _____, ’til the time___had run out_  ____ ____
2) _make beliving___  ______ we’re together
that I’m sheltered by your heart.

But in and outside ___  turn to____  ___  water
like a teardrop in your paaaaam_____.

And it’s a hard ___winters day____  _____  _____, I dream away.
Chorus: __it must      been love__  _____   but it’s over now.
It’s all _that i wanted,  now a         living   ____  ______ without.
___it must      been love_  _____  _____  but it’s over now,
it’s where the ___water flows__  ______, it’s where the wind _blows____.

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Home assignment for the 25th of August