суббота, 2 мая 2020 г.

Boost your vocabulary. School / University

Постер Гарри Поттер и Философский Камень. Harry Potter. Размер ...

School / University
Стоять на ушах
To go nuts
When a teacher can’t control the situation, a
class goes nuts.

Задать вопрос
To ask a question
Intelligent people
never ask silly questions.

Ответить на вопрос
To answer a question
The best way to
answer a question is to ask another one in return.

Объяснить правило
To explain a rule
If you don’t
understand the rule, it’s your business. I’ve explained everything.

Помыть доску
To clean the board
Maks usually cleans
the board with his back.

Дежурить по классу
To be on duty
Who is on duty this

Открыть / закрыть книгу
To open / close a book
I opened the book about Neuro-­‐Linguistic Programming and closed

Поднять руку
To raise one’s hand
If you want to ask
something, raise your hand.

Смотреть видео
To watch a video
Why do students watch
Russian videos at the lesson of English?

Слушать запись
To listen to a record
If you want to have good pronunciation, you should listen to
different records.

в произношении
To practise pronunciation
You have a mixture of arabian-french pronunciation, you
should practise more.

Поделиться учебником
To share a student’s book
I can share a student’s book with you, if you
share your lunch.

Поменяться местами
To swap places
You chat a lot! Nick,
swap places with Martin.

Работать в группах
To work in groups
This task requires
working in groups.

Работать в парах
To work in pairs
You can often hear the phrase «work in

информатике, истории, географии
To teach IT, History, Geography
Though he is a PE
teacher, he teaches children Hystory…

Делать домашнее задание
To do home assignment
She is the smartest in
the class, but she never does her home assignment.

Обсудить задание
To discuss a task
If you don’t
understand your home assignment, you should discuss it with your teacher.

Иметь 5 занятий в день
To have 5 classes a day (per
If you’re fat, you
should have 5 classes of PE a day.

Иметь диплом
To have a diploma
Even if you have a
diploma, it doesn’t mean that you’re a good specialist.

Окончить университет со
степенью бакалавра
To graduate with a bachelor
He graduated with a
bachelor degree and got crazy.

Иметь докторскую степень
To have a doctorate degree
Hannibal Lecter has a
doctorate degree in Medicine.

Быть первокурсником
To be a freshman
To be a freshman isn’t
a simple task: clubs, binges, lack of sleep.

Быть второкурсником
To be a sophomore
It’s so cool to be a
sophomore, you can goof on freshmen.

Играть за университетскую
баскетбольную команду
To play for the basketball team
of the university
He was so tall, that he
was fated to play for the basketball team of his university.

Окончить университет
To graduate from the university
Thank’s goodness, by
age 45 he graduated from the university.

Посещать занятия
To attend classes
Why don’t you attend
sexology classes? Do you think you’re too smart?

Жить в общежитии
To live in a dormitory
You’ll never get the
smell of powder unless you live in a dormitory.
To get the smell of
powder – понюхатьпороху
Согласно расписанию
According to the class timetable
According to the class
timetable we won’t have classes with that
According to the
class timetable – British English.

sexy long-legged teacher this term.
According to the class schedule – American
Записаться на курс
To enroll for / in / on a course
Though he was proficient, he enrolled
for psychics course.

Провалиться на экзамене
To fail an exam
He failed the exam as
he was drunk and sleepy.

Повторять материал
To revise material
You should revise
material beforehand.
Should –
expresses advice
Пересдать экзамен
To retake an exam
If you fail an exam, you may retake it
May – expresses the ability of
doing something
Посещать математику, биологию, физику
To attend Maths, Biology, Physics
Most of all John Forbes Nash liked to attend Maths as only there he forgot about
his schizophrenia.

Иметь квалификацию
To have qualification
What qualification do
you have?

Списывать на экзамене
To cheat at the exam
Cheating at the exam is the only way out if you don’t know the

Получить начальное
To get primary education
It’s compulsory to get
primary education.

Получить среднее образование
To get secondary education
I see you haven’t got even secondary education; your IQ is
too low.

Получить высшее образование
To get higher education
If you want to get higher education, you
should pay for it.

Учиться заочно
To be a part-time student
Adults are usually part- time students as they have to combine work
with study.
Have to – expresses necessity
Учиться очно
To be a full-time student
If you’re a full-time student, you’ll get better education, than a
part-time one.

Получать стипендию
To get scholarship
The great advantage of your study here is that you get scholarship.

Сдать курсовую работу
To hang in term-paper
She always couldn’t hang in term-paper in time as she was

Выдать тесты
to hang out tests
And now I’ll hang out
your tests, idiots.

Получать много домашнего задания
To get too many assignments in a course
Sexology is such a huge subject, that you get too many
assignments to do.

Засесть за учебу
To hit the books
It’s never late to hit the
books. You know, better late than never.

To cram, to learn by rote
If you just learn
material by rote, you’ll never memorize it. Use our method of learning and you’ll be a success.

Специализироваться в
To major in
I major in wooing

Найти жилье вне кампуса
to find off-campus housing
You’re tired of living in a dormitory? Stop yelping and find off-
campus housing

Пропустить занятие
To skip a lecture
Don’t skip lectures of Philosophy. In other case you won’t pass
the exam.

To study at the faculty
She studies at the dramatic art faculty. She wants to be a top
porn star.

Встреча выпускников
Alumni mix
At the alumni mix party they their revived the tradition and
knocked teeth in.

Есть в столовой
To eat in the dining hall
You can eat in a
university dining hall cheap and cheerfully.

Учить английский как
иностранный язык
To learn ESL (English as a
Second Language)
Lots of people learn
English as a Second Language, but only a few amount can apply their knowledge.

Получить студенческий
To get a student’s ID
(identification) card
I didn’t remember the
day when we got a student’s ID card. It was great razzle- dazzle.

Потерять зачетку
To lose a mark book
Only a thick idiot like
you could lose his mark book before the exam week.

Забыть читательский билет дома
To forget a library card at home
If you want to go to the library, it’s ridiculous to forget a
library card at home.

Быть ответственным за …
To be responsible for …
She was responsible
for organizing a party for freshmen.

Полная годовая стоимость
обучения на дневном отделении
Cost of attendance
She did her best at the
exam, so she got the cost of attendanceto China.
This is the
projected cost of attending an educational institution for one year, including tuition, fees, room, board, books and supplies, transportation and personal
Выиграть грант
To win a grant
If you write all 185 dissertations, you can
win a grant.
Can – expresses ability
Быть исключенным из университета
To be expelled from the university
He was expelled from the university as he refused to wear
trousers there.

Готовиться к экзаменам
To prepare for exams
It’s always funnier to prepare for exams in
your friends.

Быть старостой
To be a monitor
Which of you is a
smart-alec? Who wants to be a monitor?

Иметь дополнительные
To have extra classes
We have extra classes
for such unique students as you’re.

Получать хорошие/плохие
To get good/bad marks
He earns 50 C for
getting good marks.

Заполнять таблицы
To fill in tables
He can’t fill in the table, as he can’t write.

Учить правила
To learn rules
He never learns rules, he memorizes everything at the

Повторять слова
To revise vocabulary
You should revise vocabulary before a

Писать конспекты
To write lecture notes
To write lecture notes is so boring, but you should do it to get a

Получить зачет по курсу
To get a credit for a course
It’s so simple to get a credit on Maths. What you need is to flirt with
a teacher.

Принимать участие в конференции
To take part in a conference
Misha wants to get a reward, that’s why he always take part in
every conference.

Быть вызванным в деканат
To be called at the dean’s office
Jack was called at the dean’s office because
of spreeat the lecture.

Сдать вступительные экзамены
To pass the entrance exam
If I pass the entrance exam I’ll quit drinking

Быть подающим надежды
To be a prospective student
Neznaika is never a
prospective student.

Вести исследовательскую работу
To carry out research
Instead of carrying out
research, he spent summer with girls.

Получить зачет автоматом
To get a credit without taking
the test
Only brilliant students
can get a credit without taking the test.

Быть опытным
To be a mature teacher
Only mature teachers
work at our centre.

«Автомат» тебе обеспечен!
You are home free!
You’ve done your best this term. You are
home free!

Написать сочинение
To write a composition
You should write a composition about first sexual experience at

Выделить основную идею
To underline the main idea
You should learn how
to underline the main idea of your life.

Пересказать материал
To retell the material
If you can retell the material for your
exam, you’re ready.

Сконцентрироваться на …
To concentrate on …
Concentrate on your exam! Not on that poster with a naked

Быть "ботаном"
To be a geek
He's a real geek! He's
always in the lab.

To motivate students
Scholarship and expel from the university perfectly motivate

Писать курсовую
To write a course work
Every student should
write at least 3 course works.

Успевать за группой
To catch up with the group
She is so smart and quick-minded, that she always catches up with
the group.

Не успеть за группой
To be left behind
They get too much
tasks, he is left behind the group.

Делать что-то до срока сдачи
To do something before
She never catches up
with the group, she can’t do assignments before deadline.

Взять академический отпуск
To take a year out
If you’re tired of your teachers, take a year

Понять, в чем смысл
To get the point
Everything is so easy, you should just get the

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Home assignment for the 25th of August