суббота, 2 мая 2020 г.

Boost your vocabulary. Relationships between classmates, groupmates, colleagues

How to Get Along With Your Coworkers

Relationships between classmates, groupmates, colleagues

Проводить время

Spend a time
How do you usually spend your free time?

Твоё хобби
Your hobby
What is your hobby?

Посещать занятия

To attend classes
Are you going to attend math classes?
«to be going to» на русский
переводится как
Получить работу
To get a job
Did you get that job?

Подвезти до работы
To give a lift
My colleague asked me for a lift

Продвижение по
I was promoted

Музыкальный вкус
Music taste
I like your music

To collect stamps
I collect stamps

Домашнее задание

I did that difficult homework easily

Интересоваться чем- либо
To be interested in smth.
What are you interested in?

Приглашать гостей
To invite guests
We invited guests

To be late
Please, don’t be

Быть вовремя
To be in time
I’ll be in time

Быть в командировке
To travel on
I’m traveling on

номерами телефонов
To exchange phone numbers
Let’s exchange phone numbers

Договариваться о встрече
To fix a meeting
Let’s fix a meeting

Говорить помедленнее
To speak slower
Speak slower, please

Справляться с объемом работы
To cope with a workload
I can’t cope with the workload

To reach
I couldn’t reach you

Честное слово
I mean it
I mean it

Ближе к делу
To get to the point
Let’s get to the point

Время вышло
Time’s up
Time’s up!

To hear out
Hear me out!

Ещё спрашиваешь!
You bet!
You bet!
Неформальная лексика
Занимать должность
To be in the role
Have you been in the role for long?

Good luck
Good luck with a new job!

Быть в курсе
To catch
Did you catch the news today?
Что нового?
What’s up?
Hi! What’s up?
Как дела?
How is it going?
How is it going at

Сколько лет, сколько зим!
I have not seen you for ages!
I have not seen you for ages!
Устойчивое выражение

Мне пора

I have to go
It was great talking with you, but I have to go
Фразовый глагол

Как бы это сказать
To put it in the right words
Well, how to put it in the right words

Неразборчивый почерк
Chicken tracks
I can’t read this chicken tracks
Устойчивое выражение
Витать в облаках
To have one's head in the clouds
You have your head in the clouds
Устойчивое выражение
Кислое лицо
Acid look
I can’t saw your acid look
Устойчивое выражение
При чем тут я?
Where do I come in?
Where do I come in?
Устойчивое выражение
Обмануть ожидания
To let down
That new movie let us down
Фразовый глагол
Быть в хорошей форме
To look in great shape
You look in great shape!

Шутить над кем-либо
To be kidding smb.
You’ve got to be kidding me

Calm down
Calm down

Не глупи
Don’t be silly
Don’t be silly

Не надо об этом
Don’t mention that
Don’t mention that, please

Я сам справлюсь
I can make it on my own
Don’t worry, I can make it on my own

Я не против
I don’t mind
I don’t mind

Пусть будет, что будет
Let happen whatever would happen
Let happen whatever would

Не опаздывай
Don’t be late
Don’t be late,

Хорошая идея
Good idea
That’s good idea

Здравый смысл
Common sense
Nice people witha common sense

Критическое мышление
Critical thinking
He had a critical thinking

Distance education
Distance education

Студент по обмену

Exchange student
They hosted a foreign exchange student

Высшее образование
Higher education
I have higher education

Результат учебной деятельности

Learning outcome
learning outcome has been extremely positive

Решение задач

Problem solving
And we have a problem-
solving technique that works

собственного достоинства
He has low self- esteem

Пропускать занятия
To miss classes
Why did you miss chemistry classes?

Кредиты на образование

Student loans
A student loan is designed to help students pay for entering

This workshop today is about

This university pay students a monthly

Повседневная жизнь

Imagine you are being asked to pay a bribe in your day- to-day life to get
В примере использован
пассивный залог
Bit by bit
Try to learn  bit by bit


By eye
Can you tell me by
eye how long is this way?

Наводить порядок
Clean up
When you will clean up this mess?

Решительно против
Dead against
I’m dead against this rule!

Even so
Even so you need to finish your project

Столкнуться с трудностями

Face difficulties
Don’t give up even if you face

For free
They gave me this samples for free
Устойчивое выражение

Первым делом

First of all
First of all I want to introduce myself

give up – фразовый глагол,
обозначает сдаваться,

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Home assignment for the 25th of August