четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г.

Boost your vocabulary. At the doctor's.


At the Doctor's - презентация онлайн


At the doctor’s



Medical centre



Медицинский центр

Mrs. Jones found out that there is a new medical centre next to their house. She shouldn’t go to the suburbs any more.



Maternity home/nursing centre




Jenny was born at the nursing centre №5.

Абсолют ные синоним ы


First-aid post station


Пункт неотложной помощи

After the accident everybody could get medicine at the first-aid post station.



Health resort



You can spend your free time at our wonderful health resort.



State of heath


Состояние здоровья

Is state of health important for employment?



To ruin one’s health


Разрушать здоровье

You’d better stop eating the fast food, you can ruin your health.



To be in good health


Быть здоровым

Martin is in good health now, but he was very sick two weeks ago.



To be in good shape/fit


Быть в хорошей форме

Lina is fond of fitness; she is in good shape actually.



To be fine/all right


Хорошо себя чувствовать

After this long-lasting disease, I am finally all right.





To be ill




Быть больным, болеть



Joana is ill right now, she is not coming.

ill не употребл яется с существи тельным после него!




To feel ill



Чувствовать себя неважно



When I start feeling ill I eat a lot of oranges.

ill не употребл яется с существи тельным после него!


To be in poor health


Иметь плохое здоровье

Rune is always sick, he’s in poor health.



To be in bad/poor shape


Быть в плохой форме

Her husband drinks a lot of beer, he is in bad shape.


To be out of order

Быть не в порядке

Lily is out of order, she got quinsy.



To be in bad state


Быть в плохом состоянии

Professor was in bad state yesterday. He might have got cold.



To feel seedy


Плохо себя чувствовать

May I go home right now? I feel seedy.



To fall ill with smth.


Заболеть чем-л.


The children in the group fell ill with the chicken pox.

Частое употребл ение


To go down with smth.


Заболеть чем-л.

Unfortunately, I have terrible news. Mike went down with the cancer.

Частое употребл ение


To be laid up with smth.



Rick is laid up with pneumonia right now.



To catch a disease


Подхватить болезнь

How could you catch this terrible disease?



To take a turn for the worse/better


Наступило ухудшение/улучшение

She was very sick for a month; then suddenly she took a turn for the better.


One’s health gave way

Здоровье ухудшилось

His health gave way under the strain.



His health is failing/picking up


Его здоровье ухудшается/улучшается

His health is failing and his financial situation is bad, and he wants advice.



To get better



You must get better, my darling.

Частое употребл ение


To be on the mend


Идти на поправку


He's still a bit tired but he's definitely on the mend.

Разговор ное выражен ие


Marked improvement in one’s condition


Значительное улучшение

The doctor told me that there is a marked improvement in Benny’s condition.



To be out of danger


Вне опасности

All three children are now reported to be out of danger.



He/She is over the worst

Для него/нее худшее уже позади

My brother is over the worst since his skiing accident last month.



To die a natural death


Умереть своей смертью

I hope to live to 100 and die a natural death.



To die of heart attack

Умереть от сердечного приступа

Maybe his father had died of a heart attack.



To commit suicide


Покончить жизнь самоубийством

I get the phone call when the child is going to commit suicide, and I've got to do something right now.



undertake suicide


Emergency case

Неотложное состояние


Oh my God! What’s wrong with him? It’s an emergency case, call the doctor.


Urgent call

Срочный вызов

You had to take an urgent call from your own boss.


To call an ambulance

Вызвать скорую помощь

I have to call an ambulance.



To take smb. to hospital

Отвезти кого-л. в больницу

Your friend can take you to the hospital.





Medical record/medical card




Медицинская карта



In the traditional system, the patient's medical record is organized by discipline.

Card – более разговор но, record – более официал ьно


Health insurance certificate


Медицинский полис

Remember to take your health insurance certificate to the hospital.



Casualty ward


Приемный покой

Blake said nothing, – remembering the doctor in the casualty ward.



General practice


Кабинет терапевта

First of all you need to take papers at the general practice.




Surgery hours



Часы приема

The two of them saw their family doctor, who made time for them outside ordinary surgery hours to discuss the matter without pressure.



Morning/evening surgery


Утренний/вечерний прием

Is there a surgery this evening?



Examination couch


Кушетка для обследования больных

Come in, please and sit down on the examination couch.



Sliding-weight scales


Медицинские весы

Our center has bought new sliding-weight scales.



Height gauge

Линейка для измерения роста

When will you measure your height with the height gauge?






Sharp pain





Острая боль




I felt sharp pain in my left leg.

Употребл яется в разговор ной речи крайне редко, т.к. это термин




Throbbing pain




Пульсирующая боль



He’s got the throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head.

Употребл яется в разговор ной речи крайне редко, т.к. это термин


To feel pain


Испытывать боль

I am here beside you, my darling; where do you feel the pain?



To suffer from pain


Страдать от боли

She's been suffering from pain for two years.



The pain is on and off

Боль то проходит, то снова возвращается

I thought everything is over but the pain is on and off.



Visual disorder


Нарушение зрения

I think I need to buy glasses, I have visual disorder.



A sore throat


Больное горло

Many people have a mild sore throat at the beginning of every cold.



High blood pressure

Высокое кровяное давление

They also had higher cholesterol and high blood pressure.




To feel dizzy


Чувствовать головокружение


There are a few reasons you could feel dizzy while laying down.

Очень частое употребл ение


To have the symptoms of

Иметь все признаки чего- л.

You’ve got all the symptoms of overstrain.



To come round


Прийти в себя


He came round when his wife came to visit him.

Разговор ное выражен ие


To feel limp

Чувствовать сильную слабость

I felt limp a few minutes after their fight.



To feel stiff

Чувствовать ломоту в теле

When Jack came home he felt stiff.


To be low

Быть в подавленном состоянии

Ryan was tired and low after the trip.



To be run down



The girls were run down because they had been training for a few hours.



A bout of depression


Приступ депрессии

After the exams I feel a bout of depression.



Stomach upset (disorder)


Расстройство желудка

I don’t know what you have eaten, that’s strange that you have stomach disorder.



To catch a cold



Please, close the window or we’ll all catch cold.




Runny nose




He will tell the doctor about his symptoms: scratchy throat, achy head and runny nose.

Очень частое употребл ение


The nose is clogged.


Нос заложен


I cannot breath today, my nose is clogged.

Очень частое употребл ение


Fits of coughing


Приступы кашля


Suddenly I fell into fits of coughing and I couldn’t stop.

Очень частое употребл ение


To feel shivery


Чувствовать озноб

My mom came home earlier because she felt shivery.



High temperature


Высокая температура

Send for the doctor, his temperature is very high.


To be running high temperature


He’s been running high temperature for 3 hours.



(Non)communicable illness


(Не)заразная болезнь


Don’t worry! This illness is noncommunicable.

Очень частое употребл ение

(In)curable illness

(Не)излечимая болезнь

I’m sorry! His illness is incurable.



Inborn disturbance


Врожденное нарушение

Lily mustn’t smoke, she has an inborn disturbance of heart’s work.



Mild case


Легкий случай

He’s got a mild case of pneumonia.


Fatal illness

Опасная болезнь

This illness is fatal, you can even die.




To make an appointment with



Записаться на прием

You’d better make an appointment with your doctor right now, because he doesn’t have time next month.



To go to the doctor/to see a doctor


Пойти к врачу (на прием)

Mom says he should see a doctor.



To consult a doctor


Проконсультироваться с врачом

That's why it is so important to consult a doctor without any delay.



To examine one’s heart


Обследовать сердце


He ignored the symptom and examined my heart carefully.



To make a diagnosis


Поставить диагноз


The doctor made a diagnosis immediately.



To take temperature


Измерить температуру

Take your temperature, You look sick.



To make tests


Делать анализы


We’ll prescribe you the pills when you make your tests.



To write out a prescription


Выписать рецепт

After that, he sat down and wrote out a prescription, and folded it up and gave it me.


To apply a mustard plaster/cupping glasses

Поставить горчичники/банки

Do you know how to apply a mustard plaster correctly?


To give an injection

Сделать укол

It is necessary to give you three injections a day.



To give directions/recommendations

Дать предписания/назначение

The doctor gave me some recommendations about my disease.



To relieve the pain


Облегчить боль

These capsules relieve the pain perfectly.


to inject


To take a medicine for


Принять лекарство от

I know I did wrong, and I know I have to take my medicine for the flu.



On an empty/full stomach

На пустой/полный желудок

He left early this morning and drove three hours on an empty stomach.



To make an appointment with a dentist

Записаться на прием к зубному врачу

Make an appointment with your dentist online, it is much faster.




To have one’s tooth stopped/filled



Запломбировать зуб


My tooth that has been filled started hurting again.

Чаще употребл яется слово filled


For soothing the pain


Для снятия боли

Try to take these pills for soothing the pain.


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