the doctor’s |
Medical centre |
Медицинский центр |
Mrs. Jones found out that there is a new medical centre next to their house. She shouldn’t go to the suburbs any more. |
Maternity home/nursing centre |
Роддом |
Jenny was born at the nursing centre №5. |
Абсолют ные синоним ы |
First-aid post station |
Пункт неотложной помощи |
After the accident everybody could get medicine at the first-aid post station. |
Health resort |
Санаторий |
You can spend your free time at our wonderful health resort. |
State of heath |
Состояние здоровья |
Is state of health important for employment? |
To ruin one’s health |
Разрушать здоровье |
You’d better stop eating the fast food, you can ruin your health. |
To be in good health |
Быть здоровым |
Martin is in good health now, but he was very sick two weeks ago. |
To be in good shape/fit |
Быть в хорошей форме |
Lina is fond of fitness; she is in good shape actually. |
To be fine/all right |
Хорошо себя чувствовать |
After this long-lasting disease, I am finally all right. |
To be ill |
Быть больным, болеть |
Joana is ill right now, she is not coming. |
ill не употребл яется с существи тельным после него! |
To feel ill |
Чувствовать себя неважно |
When I start feeling ill I eat a lot of oranges. |
ill не употребл яется с существи тельным после него! |
To be in poor health |
Иметь плохое здоровье |
Rune is always sick, he’s in poor health. |
To be in bad/poor shape |
Быть в плохой форме |
Her husband drinks a lot of beer, he is in bad shape. |
To be out of order |
Быть не в порядке |
Lily is out of order, she got quinsy. |
To be in bad state |
Быть в плохом состоянии |
Professor was in bad state yesterday. He might have got cold. |
To feel seedy |
Плохо себя чувствовать |
May I go home right now? I feel seedy. |
To fall ill with smth. |
Заболеть чем-л. |
The children in the group fell ill with the chicken pox. |
Частое употребл ение |
To go down with smth. |
Заболеть чем-л. |
Unfortunately, I have terrible news. Mike went down with the cancer. |
Частое употребл ение |
To be laid up with smth. |
Слечь |
Rick is laid up with pneumonia right now. |
To catch a disease |
Подхватить болезнь |
How could you catch this terrible disease? |
To take a turn for the worse/better |
Наступило ухудшение/улучшение |
She was very sick for a month; then suddenly she took a turn for the better. |
One’s health gave way |
Здоровье ухудшилось |
His health gave way under the strain. |
His health is failing/picking up |
Его здоровье ухудшается/улучшается |
His health is failing and his financial situation is bad, and he wants advice. |
To get better |
Выздоравливать |
You must get better, my darling. |
Частое употребл ение |
To be on the mend |
Идти на поправку |
He's still a bit tired but he's definitely on the mend. |
Разговор ное выражен ие |
Marked improvement in one’s condition |
Значительное улучшение |
The doctor told me that there is a marked improvement in Benny’s condition. |
To be out of danger |
Вне опасности |
All three children are now reported to be out of danger. |
He/She is over the worst |
Для него/нее худшее уже позади |
My brother is over the worst since his skiing accident last month. |
To die a natural death |
Умереть своей смертью |
I hope to live to 100 and die a natural death. |
To die of heart attack |
Умереть от сердечного приступа |
Maybe his father had died of a heart attack. |
To commit suicide |
Покончить жизнь самоубийством |
I get the phone call when the child is going to commit suicide, and I've got to do something right now. |
НЕ undertake suicide |
Emergency case |
Неотложное состояние (больного) |
Oh my God! What’s wrong with him? It’s an emergency case, call the doctor. |
Urgent call |
Срочный вызов |
You had to take an urgent call from your own boss. |
To call an ambulance |
Вызвать скорую помощь |
I have to call an ambulance. |
To take smb. to hospital |
Отвезти кого-л. в
больницу |
Your friend can take you to the hospital. |
Medical record/medical card |
Медицинская карта |
In the traditional system, the patient's medical record is organized by discipline. |
Card – более разговор но, record – более официал ьно |
Health insurance certificate |
Медицинский полис |
Remember to take your health insurance certificate to the hospital. |
Casualty ward |
Приемный покой |
Blake said nothing, – remembering the doctor in the casualty ward. |
General practice |
Кабинет терапевта |
First of all you need to take papers at the general practice. |
Surgery hours |
Часы приема |
The two of them saw their family doctor, who made time for them outside ordinary surgery hours to discuss the matter without pressure. |
Morning/evening surgery |
Утренний/вечерний прием |
Is there a surgery this evening? |
Examination couch |
Кушетка для обследования больных |
Come in, please and sit down on the examination couch. |
Sliding-weight scales |
Медицинские весы |
Our center has bought new sliding-weight scales. |
Height gauge |
Линейка для измерения роста |
When will you measure your height with the height gauge? |
Sharp pain |
Острая боль |
I felt sharp pain in my left leg. |
яется в разговор ной речи крайне редко, т.к. это
термин |
Throbbing pain |
Пульсирующая боль |
He’s got the throbbing pain on one or both sides of the head. |
яется в разговор ной речи крайне редко, т.к. это
термин |
To feel pain |
Испытывать боль |
I am here beside you, my darling; where do you feel the pain? |
To suffer from pain |
Страдать от боли |
She's been suffering from pain for two years. |
The pain is on and off |
Боль то проходит, то снова возвращается |
I thought everything is over but the pain is on and off. |
Visual disorder |
Нарушение зрения |
I think I need to buy glasses, I have visual disorder. |
A sore throat |
Больное горло |
Many people have a mild sore throat at the beginning of every cold. |
High blood pressure |
Высокое кровяное давление |
They also had higher cholesterol and high blood pressure. |
To feel dizzy |
Чувствовать головокружение |
There are a few reasons you could feel dizzy while laying down. |
Очень частое употребл ение |
To have the symptoms of |
Иметь все признаки чего- л. |
You’ve got all the symptoms of overstrain. |
To come round |
Прийти в себя |
He came round when his wife came to visit him. |
Разговор ное выражен ие |
To feel limp |
Чувствовать сильную слабость |
I felt limp a few minutes after their fight. |
To feel stiff |
Чувствовать ломоту в теле |
When Jack came home he felt stiff. |
To be low |
Быть в подавленном состоянии |
Ryan was tired and low after the trip. |
To be run down |
Переутомиться |
The girls were run down because they had been training for a few hours. |
A bout of depression |
Приступ депрессии |
After the exams I feel a bout of depression. |
Stomach upset (disorder) |
Расстройство желудка |
I don’t know what you have eaten, that’s strange that you have stomach disorder. |
To catch a cold |
Простудиться |
Please, close the window or we’ll all catch cold. |
Runny nose |
Насморк |
He will tell the doctor about his symptoms: scratchy throat, achy head and runny nose. |
Очень частое употребл ение |
The nose is clogged. |
Нос заложен |
I cannot breath today, my nose is clogged. |
Очень частое употребл ение |
Fits of coughing |
Приступы кашля |
Suddenly I fell into fits of coughing and I couldn’t stop. |
Очень частое употребл ение |
To feel shivery |
Чувствовать озноб |
My mom came home earlier because she felt shivery. |
High temperature |
Высокая температура |
Send for the doctor, his temperature is very high. |
To be running high temperature |
Температурить |
He’s been running high temperature for 3 hours. |
(Non)communicable illness |
(Не)заразная болезнь |
Don’t worry! This illness is noncommunicable. |
Очень частое употребл ение |
(In)curable illness |
(Не)излечимая болезнь |
I’m sorry! His illness is incurable. |
Inborn disturbance |
Врожденное нарушение |
Lily mustn’t smoke, she has an inborn disturbance of heart’s work. |
Mild case |
Легкий случай |
He’s got a mild case of pneumonia. |
Fatal illness |
Опасная болезнь |
This illness is fatal, you can even die. |
To make an appointment with |
Записаться на прием |
You’d better make an appointment with your doctor right now, because he doesn’t have time next month. |
To go to the doctor/to see a doctor |
Пойти к врачу (на прием) |
Mom says he should see a doctor. |
To consult a doctor |
Проконсультироваться с врачом |
That's why it is so important to consult a doctor without any delay. |
To examine one’s heart |
Обследовать сердце |
He ignored the symptom and examined my heart carefully. |
To make a diagnosis |
Поставить диагноз |
The doctor made a diagnosis immediately. |
To take temperature |
Измерить температуру |
Take your temperature, You look sick. |
To make tests |
Делать анализы |
We’ll prescribe you the pills when you make your tests. |
To write out a prescription |
Выписать рецепт |
After that, he sat down and wrote out a prescription, and folded it up and gave it me. |
To apply a mustard plaster/cupping glasses |
Поставить горчичники/банки |
Do you know how to apply a mustard plaster correctly? |
To give an injection |
Сделать укол |
It is necessary to give you three injections a day. |
To give directions/recommendations |
Дать предписания/назначение |
The doctor gave me some recommendations about my disease. |
To relieve the pain |
Облегчить боль |
These capsules relieve the pain perfectly. |
to inject |
To take a medicine for |
Принять лекарство от |
I know I did wrong, and I know I have to take my medicine for the flu. |
On an empty/full stomach |
На пустой/полный желудок |
He left early this morning and drove three hours on an empty stomach. |
To make an appointment with a dentist |
Записаться на прием к
зубному врачу |
Make an appointment with your dentist online, it is much faster. |
To have one’s tooth stopped/filled |
Запломбировать зуб |
My tooth that has been filled started hurting again. |
Чаще употребл яется
слово filled |
For soothing the pain |
Для снятия боли |
Try to take these pills for soothing the pain. |
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