четверг, 3 сентября 2020 г.

Vocabulary booster. At the pharmacy.


How to Buy Medicine in English | At the Pharmacy 💊 - YouTube

At the pharmacy


Производить лекарства


To produce drugs

A company that produces drugs is called a pharmaceutical company.





To recommend

One sales assistant in a local pharmacy recommends only high-price medication.



To fit together

A capsule is a small pill with two sides that fit together.



Быть наполненным лекарством


To be filled with medication

A water-soluble capsule is filled with medication.





To buy

You can buy some pills only if you have a prescription.



Включать (в себя)


To include

A prescription usually includes a doctor's instructions on how and when to take a medication.





To buy

Over-the-counter medicine is medicine that you can buy without a prescription.



Иметься в наличии


There are

In the United States and Canada, there are many drive-through pharmacies.



Брать (по пути)


To pick up

In drive-through pharmacies you can pick up your prescription without even getting out of your car!



Содержать в себе дозу


To contain a dose of

Gelatin capsule is filled with gelatin that contains a dose of medication.


Быть сделанным из спрессованного порошка

To be made of compressed powder

A tablet is a pill that is made of compressed powder.



Выпить таблетку


To take a pill

Take these pills three times a day before the meals!



Иметь негативную реакцию


To have a bad reaction

He took these pills before and he had a bad reaction to these pills.


Подавлять кашель

To suppress coughing

A cough syrup suppresses coughing.



Подавлять кашель


To suppress coughing

A cough syrup is a flavored solution that contains a medication to suppress coughing reflex.





To store

A vial is a glass tube to store some dose of medication in liquid form.





To release

Metered dose inhaler releases a specific dose of medication into the respiratory tract.



To treat

Metered dose inhaler is used mainly to treat asthma.



Осложнения от использования


Complications from using

There might be some potential complications from using these medications together.



Приносить выгоду


To bring profit

Pain killers, cold remedies, indigestion tablets bring enormous profit to pharmacies in Russia.



Можно доверять


Can be trusted

Not all pain killers, cold remedies, indigestion tablets can be trusted.






Нужно доверять




Should be trusted



Not all TV advertised medication should be trusted.

в англ. яз. только одно отрицани е, а в рус. яз. – два


Взаимодействие лекарств друг с другом


To have interactions with other medications

Make sure there are no interactions with other medications that you are taking.






To help

No painkillers can help him now.






To allow

No cold remedies, no indigestion tablets or any other kind of tablets are allowed to pregnant women.




Приносить пользу


To do good

No pain killers, cold remedies, indigestion tablets will do you any good if you take them all at once.






To trust

I don’t trust every sales assistant in the local pharmacy.






To work

Olga cannot work as a sales assistant in a local pharmacy.





To cure

Some medication only suppresses symptoms but cannot cure.







To work

Olga cannot work as a sales assistant in a local pharmacy because she knows that some medication only suppresses symptoms but cannot really cure.


Застревать в

To stuck in

I don’t like capsules they

stuck in my throat.





To sell

You don’t sell over-the- counter medicine to teenagers.





To send

As a parent you don’t send your teenager child to a local pharmacy to buy over-the- counter medicine.





To recommend

I don’t recommend you to take any medication.





To notice

I haven’t noticed any side- effects after taking these pills.



Принимать (лекарства)


To take

There shouldn’t be any complications after taking this pill.



To leave

I don’t leave my metered dose inhaler at home.



Обходиться без


To do without

I don’t leave my metered dose inhaler at home, I cannot do without it.





To suppress

I don’t take cough syrup, I take stronger pills to suppress coughing reflex at once.



Выписывать (лекарства)


To prescribe

These days I cannot trust doctors prescribing me some expensive medication.





To use


Do you use medicine often?



Использовать в медицинских целях


To use for medical purposes

Do you think marijuana should be used for medicinal purposes?









To believe

Do you believe the  marketing of drug companies (“this drug will make you look

/ feel younger / remove your acne / improve your stamina

/ get rid of your cold…”)?



Иметь эффект


To work

Does the medicine you take always work?







To become

Do you think pharmaceutical companies’ advertising encourages us to become hypochondriacs?



Приносить пользу


To do good

Do you think of alternative, Chinese, traditional, herbal medicines will do you any good?



Говорить правду


To tell the truth

Do you trust pharmaceutical companies to tell the truth?





To trust

Do you trust medication advertisements?




Иметь тенденцию к покупке



To be likely to buy

Are you likely to buy some advertised medication more than any other less popular medication?



Брать с собой


To take

Did you take that metered dose inhaler with you?





To know

Do you know the largest drug company in Russia?





To like the idea of

Do you like the idea of herbal medicine?





To like the idea of

Do you like the idea of alternative medicine?







To treat

Do you use the Internet information to treat your illness or do you go to the doctor?



Принимать лекарство


To take

Are you presently taking any medication?



Принимать одновременно несколько лекарственных препаратов


To use together

Are there any potential complications from using the medications together?



Принимать одновременно несколько лекарственных препаратов



To use together

Are there any potential complications from using the medications during pregnancy?



To trust

Can you trust a celebrity in a drug advertisement?





To trust

Can you trust your mother when she buys drugs for you?





To trust

Can you trust government drug administration regulator?



To invent

What have we invented pills for?



To invent

What have we invented tablets for?


В чем разница…?

What’s the difference…?

What’s the difference between a pill and syrup?


Для чего…?

What for…?

What is a metered dose inhaler for?


Давать (выписывать)

To give

Who gives a prescription?



В чем разница…?


What’s the difference…?

What’s the difference between prescribed and over the-counter medicine?





To have

What countries have got a drive-through pharmacy practice?





To know

What kinds of traditional medicine do you know?



Быть эффективным


To be effective

How effective do you think medicines are?



Быть лучше


To be better

Which is better aspirin or a good night’s sleep?


Иметь аллергию на

To be allergic to

Your son is allergic to any medication.



Проходить (о болезни)


To go away

My throat infection went away after I started the antibiotics.



Судится с


To sue

Has anybody ever sued pharmaceutical company in Russia?





To try

Have you tried any anti- depressants so far?


Справляться с, продолжать делать что-л. дальше


To get on

The anti-depressants helped me get on with life.



Быть в плохом состоянии


To be bad

My grandmother can't knit anymore because the arthritis in her hands is so bad.



Что есть в наличии


There is

There is no remedy for arthritis for old people.



Носить (с собой)


To carry

I carry a metered dose inhaler when I run because I have asthma.



Только для внешнего применения


For external use only

This cream is for external use only.



Только для внешнего применения


For external use only

This cream is for external use only. Do not get it near your ears, eyes or mouth.



Сделать ошибку


To make an error

The doctor made a fatal error when he wrote the wrong prescription.







To trust

Do we need to trust doctors completely or do we need to know some additional information about our illness from the Internet?


Проходить (о болезни)

To go away

Her illness went away when she started eating better.





To get

If you are allergic to this medication your skin will get red and itchy.



Выпивать (лекарство)


To take

A cough syrup must be taken internally not externally.



Давать облегчение


To relieve

We gave your husband some pain-killer to relieve some of the pain.



To buy

Should I be able to buy a bandage at the pharmacy?





A loss of

One of the side effects of antidepressants is a loss of appetite.


Иметь симптомы

To have symptoms

You have all of the symptoms of a diabetic.



Иметь в наличии


There are

Are there any traditional treatments for diabetes?



Заметки по комментариям


1 – в английском языке достаточно одного отрицания, чтобы выразить двойное отрицание в русском языке (например: Никакие лекарства не помогут – No remedy will help).

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